About us

The Council of Inspection Authorities is the key institution in the inspection system. The Council was first established in 2010, as a standing inter-ministerial body for coordination of inspection authorities, in 2014 it grew into an independent state body in charge of implementing the scope of competencies determined by law, and in 2019, its status was changed to an independent state administration body, whose core competence is the monitoring and coordination of the work of the inspection authorities at the central level.

The Council is a collegial body, which makes decisions by a majority vote of the total number of members, and the leading position is held by the President of the Council, who can authorize one of the members of the Council to substitute her/him in case of her/his absence or impediment.

Article 18 of the Law on Inspection Supervision (“Official Gazette of the Republic of North Macedonia” no. 102/19) enumerates all the competencies of the Council, which are related, i.e., refer to: inspection authorities in the bodies of the state administration, i.e., central government; to all inspectors, regardless of whether they are employed in the inspection authorities in the bodies of the state administration or in the local self-government units; and the Council itself.

Among the most important competencies of the Council are: preparation and adoption of bylaws, i.e. rulebooks; reporting on its own and the work of the inspection authorities; adoption of programs for interactive training for obtaining a license for inspector, for exam for obtaining a license for inspector – general part and for generic trainings of inspectors; developing policies for managing the performance of inspectors, creating a single framework for the development and management of inspectors; handling complaints from individuals and legal entities related to the work of the inspection authorities and / or the subjects of inspection supervision; conducting generic trainings for inspectors; issuing and revoking licenses for inspectors; issuing an order for performing a single and joint extraordinary inspection supervision; submitting proposals for dismissal of the director of the inspection authority, for initiating disciplinary proceedings against the head of the inspection authority, as well as an initiative for determining the disciplinary responsibility of the inspector; establishing and maintaining registers and information system for managing inspection supervision; coordination of the work of the inspection authorities.

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