About Inspectors

Dear inspectors,

Pursuant to Article 3, Item 3 of the Law on Inspection Supervision (“Official Gazette of the Republic of North Macedonia” No. 102/19), “inspector is an official with authorization, responsibilities, rights and obligations determined by law, who performs inspection supervision.” In that context, you, inspectors, have independence and autonomy in performing the inspection supervision and in undertaking inspection measures stipulated by the law, of course within the authorizations and competencies determined by this or another law.

The law paid great attention to you and very precisely and in detail stipulated your rights, but also your obligations. They are regulated in detail in Chapters VI – IX. The new law makes a major reform in the system of employment of inspectors and in this part, it applies to all inspectors employed in inspection authorities at both central and local level. Article 38 of the law clearly stipulates that inspectors are, above all, administrative officers of categories B and V. Additionally, in accordance with the Law on Administrative Servants, Article 39 of the Law describes the titles of the inspectors.

The web portal is developed with the support of the EBRD Project "Support to Improve the Efficiency of Inspection Authorities in North Macedonia". The information published on this website does not reflect the views of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development nor the Government of Luxembourg.

Bul: Dame Gruev 3, block 2, local 5

1000 Skopje

Republic of North Macedonia

Contact telephone: +389 02 310 30 30

Email address: contact@is.gov.mk