Submit an online complaint to the Council of Inspection Authorities

Pursuant to Article 18, Paragraph (1), Item 19, of the Law on Inspection Supervision (“Official Gazette of the Republic of North Macedonia” No. 102/2019), the Council of Inspection Authorities: “acts upon complaints from individuals or legal entities related to the work of the inspectors, inspection authorities and/or inspection bodies”. In this context, any proposal or initiative for performing inspection supervision is considered as a complaint.

We would like to point out that pursuant to Article 2, Paragraph (2) of the Law on Inspection Supervision, the Council of Inspection Authorities has competence over the inspection authorities of the central level, but not to the inspection bodies of the local level. Therefore, if your complaint is related to the work of the municipal inspectors and the inspection bodies organized within the local self-government units, please submit it to the appropriate municipal administration.

Through this web service, we offer you the opportunity to submit your complaint online. Please provide us with correct and comprehensive answers when you answering the questions which will enable us to act upon your complaint in the fastest and most efficient way.

The Council of Inspection Authorities ensures full confidentiality of all information, and the data you submit will be used solely for the purposes of handling your complaint and for no other purpose, whatsoever.

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(МK) Ве молиме внесете ги следните податоци за документот поврзан со работата на инспекциската служба:

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As a submitter, you can choose to submit your complaint anonymously. However, in that case, in accordance with Article 72, paragraph (3) of the Law on Inspection, the Inspection Council will be unable to act, "... unless the content of the initiative does not raise an issue of public interest determined by law or is necessary removal of an immediate danger to the life and health of people or property of greater value or the environment. " Additionally, if you submit your complaint anonymously, we will be unable to communicate with you, ie we will not be able to inform you of the outcome of your complaint.


The web portal is developed with the support of the EBRD Project "Support to Improve the Efficiency of Inspection Authorities in North Macedonia". The information published on this website does not reflect the views of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development nor the Government of Luxembourg.

Bul: Dame Gruev 3, block 2, local 5

1000 Skopje

Republic of North Macedonia

Contact telephone: +389 02 310 30 30

Email address: