Market, Labor Relations, Occupational Health and Safety

Igor Veljanoski

(Државен пазарен инспекторат, Државен инспекторат за техничка инспекција, Државен инспекторат за труд, Државен девизен инспекторат)

Member of the Inspection Council in the field of market, labour relations and safety and health at work, as of 13.08.2022 . He is born on 13.07.1979 in Skopje. He graduated from the Institute of Social Work and Social Policy at the Faculty of Philosophy, the University of St. Constantine and Helena. "Kiril and Methodius", and received his master's degree in the Legal Facultyat St. Peter's University. Cyril and Methodius…

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Environment and Human Health Protection

Vlatko Serafimov

(Државен санитарен и здравствен инспекторат, Државен инспекторат за животна средина, Aгенција за лекови и медицински средства – Одделение за инспекциски надзор, Дирекција за заштита и спасување – Сектор за генерален инспектор, Дирекција за радијациона сигурност – Одделение за инспекциски надзор, Центар за управување со кризи - Одделение за инспекциски надзор, Министерство за здравство – Сектор за хемикалии)

He was born on May 16, 1963 in Kocani, where he completed primary and secondary education. He graduated from the Faculty of Technology metallurgical engineering in Skopje, where he acquired the term Graduate Engineer Technologist of Base Organic and Polymer Engineering. He was appointed member of the Inspection Council in the field of environment and human health protection on 21.06.2022. In addition to his mother Macedonian language, he actively uses…

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Civil Engineering, Urban Planning and Transportation


(Државен комунален инспекторат, Државен инспекторат за транспорт, Државен инспекторат за градежништво и урбанизам, Министерство за транспорт и врски - Капетанија на пристаништа Охрид, Управа за сигурност во железничкиот сообраќај)

Council Member for the area of Civil Engineering, Urban Planning and Transportation since 3.8.2017. He is born 25.10.1982 in Ohrid. He graduated at the University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Skopje, Faculty of Economics, study program accounting and auditing. Besides his mother thong the Turkish language, he actively uses Macedonian, Albanian, English, as well as the languages ​​of the former Yugoslavia. In his professional career, he worked as an…

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Agriculture, Forestry, Veterinary and Food Safety


(Државен инспекторат за земјоделство, Државен инспекторат за шумарство и ловство, Агенција за храна и ветеринарство – Сектор за инспекциски надзор)

Council Member for the area of agriculture, forestry, veterinary and food safety from 3.10.2021. Born on December 5, 1978 in Zajas. Graduated in 2007, at the Faculty of Law "Iustinian I" at the University "St. Cyril and Methodius ”in Skopje. He passed the Notary Exam in 2012 and the Judicial Exam in 2017. In addition to his native Albanian, he actively uses Macedonian and English. From July to September 2021…

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Education, Science and Culture


(Државен просветен инспекторат, Управа за заштита на културното наследство – Одделение за инспекциски надзор, Министерство за култура – Сектор за управен и инспекциски надзор)

Council Member for the area of Education, Science and Culture, since 17.7.2019. He was born on February 5, 1969 in Gostivar. He graduated from the Faculty of Natural Sciences in 1995, at the University of Pristina, Republic of Kosovo, majoring in biology and earned the title of professor of biology. In addition to his mother thong Albanian, he actively uses the Macedonian language, English (BULATS), has a basic knowledge of…

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(Државен управен инспекторат, Државен инспекторат за локална самоуправа, Државен архив на Република Северна Македонија - Одделение за инспекциски надзор, Агенција за млади и спорт - Сектор за инспекциски надзор, Инспекторат за употреба на јазиците, Министерство за труд и социјална политика - Сектор за инспекциски надзор во социјалната заштита)

Council Member for the area of Administration, since 3.8.2017. Born 10.07.1972 in Prilep. Graduated from the Faculty of Defectology in Belgrade, and received his master's and doctoral degrees from the Institute of Defectology at the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Ss. "Cyril and Methodius" in Skopje. Besides his mother thong the Macedonian language, he actively uses the English language, as well as the languages of the former Yugoslavia…

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The web portal is developed with the support of the EBRD Project "Support to Improve the Efficiency of Inspection Authorities in North Macedonia". The information published on this website does not reflect the views of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development nor the Government of Luxembourg.

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Republic of North Macedonia

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