Environment and Human Health Protection

Vlatko Serafimov




(Државен санитарен и здравствен инспекторат, Државен инспекторат за животна средина, Aгенција за лекови и медицински средства – Одделение за инспекциски надзор, Дирекција за заштита и спасување – Сектор за генерален инспектор, Дирекција за радијациона сигурност – Одделение за инспекциски надзор, Центар за управување со кризи - Одделение за инспекциски надзор, Министерство за здравство – Сектор за хемикалии)

He was born on May 16, 1963 in Kocani, where he completed primary and secondary education. He graduated from the Faculty of Technology metallurgical engineering in Skopje, where he acquired the term Graduate Engineer Technologist of Base Organic and Polymer Engineering.
He was appointed member of the Inspection Council in the field of environment and human health protection on 21.06.2022.
In addition to his mother Macedonian language, he actively uses English as well as the languages of the former Yugoslav republics.
He has a great knowledge of the most commonly used computer programs.
Work experience:
2008-2022 – working in several citizens' associations
2006 -2008 – Mp in the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia
2002 - 2006 – Director of the State Environmental Inspectorate
1994 - 2000 – Republic Market Inspector
He participated in numerous domestic and international seminars, conferences and trainings in the field of the environment, where he received numerous diplomas and accolades.

The web portal is developed with the support of the EBRD Project "Support to Improve the Efficiency of Inspection Authorities in North Macedonia". The information published on this website does not reflect the views of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development nor the Government of Luxembourg.

Bul: Dame Gruev 3, block 2, local 5

1000 Skopje

Republic of North Macedonia

Contact telephone: +389 02 310 30 30

Email address: contact@is.gov.mk