Council Members




(Државен комунален инспекторат, Државен инспекторат за транспорт, Државен инспекторат за градежништво и урбанизам, Министерство за транспорт и врски - Капетанија на пристаништа Охрид, Управа за сигурност во железничкиот сообраќај)

Council Member for the area of Civil Engineering, Urban Planning and Transportation since 3.8.2017.

He is born 25.10.1982 in Ohrid.

He graduated at the University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Skopje, Faculty of Economics, study program accounting and auditing.

Besides his mother thong the Turkish language, he actively uses Macedonian, Albanian, English, as well as the languages ​​of the former Yugoslavia.

In his professional career, he worked as an associate in the Public Revenue Office.

He has perfected his experience and practice so far through forums organized for economic development in Turkey.

The web portal is developed with the support of the EBRD Project "Support to Improve the Efficiency of Inspection Authorities in North Macedonia". The information published on this website does not reflect the views of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development nor the Government of Luxembourg.

Bul: Dame Gruev 3, block 2, local 5

1000 Skopje

Republic of North Macedonia

Contact telephone: +389 02 310 30 30

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